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SUMMARY- Servants

In this poem the author talks about the nature and condition of servants who live in the city. He says that they come from an incomplete plot which is a reference to their less than ideal life story which somehow stops in the middle. They are people who sell their farming lands and end up working as servants in households or worse to earn a living in the city. They all have the same thing going on in their lives. Everything from waking up to sleeping is planned. The loss of individuality is stressed upon in this poem. The author says that the aura around them is dark and they are non-entities. He says that animals have more personality or individuality than them. Servants are treated less than animals. Their lives have no purpose. They do not dream nor do they have desires. Their eyes are blank. Their mouths hang slightly open without knowing what to do. The poem by Gieve Patel is like a collection of pictures portraying the appalling condition of the poor in India. The poor of...

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